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Unveiling the Potential of End-side Large Language Models


MiniCPM is an End-Side LLM developed by ModelBest Inc. and TsinghuaNLP, with only 2.4B parameters excluding embeddings.

MiniCPM has very close performance compared with Mistral-7B on open-sourced general benchmarks with better ability on Chinese, Mathmetics and Coding after SFT. The overall performance exceeds Llama2-13B, MPT-30B, Falcon-40B, etc.
After DPO, MiniCPM outperforms Llama2-70B-Chat, Vicuna-33B, Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1, Zephyr-7B-alpha, etc. on MTBench.
MiniCPM-V, based on MiniCPM-2B, achieves the best overall performance among multimodel models of the same scale, surpassing existing multimodal large models built on Phi-2 and achieving performance comparable to or even better than 9.6B Qwen-VL-Chat on some tasks.
MiniCPM can be deployed and infer on smartphones, and the speed of streaming output is relatively higher than human verbal speed. MiniCPM-V has also successfully deployed multi-modal models on smartphones.
The cost of developing based on MiniCPM is low. Parameter efficient finetuning can be conducted with a single 1080/2080 GPU and full parameter finetuning can be conducted with a 3090/4090 GPU.
We release all model parameters for research and limited commercial use. In future, we will also release all the checkpoint during training and most public training data for research on model mechanism.

SFT and DPO version based on MiniCPM-2B and human preference: MiniCPM-2B-SFT/DPO
The multi-modal model MiniCPM-V based on MiniCPM-2B, which outperforms models with similar size, i.e., Phi-2
The INT4 quantized version MiniCPM-2B-SFT/DPO-Int4 based on MiniCPM-2B-SFT/DPO
Mobile phone application based on MLC-LLM and LLMFarm. Both language model and multimodel model can conduct inference on smartphones.

Due to limitations in model size, the model may experience hallucinatory issues. As DPO model tend to generate longer response, hallucinations are more likely to occur. We will also continue to iterate and improve the MiniCPM model.
To ensure the generality of the model for academic research purposes, we have not subject it to any identity-specific training. Meanwhile, as we use ShareGPT open-source corpus as part of the training data, the model may output identity-related information similar to the GPT series models.
Due to the limitation of model size, the output of the model is greatly influenced by prompts, which may result in inconsistent results from multiple attempts.
Due to limited model capacity, the model’s knowledge recall may not be accurate. In the future, we will combine the RAG method to enhance the model’s knowledge retention ability.

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